Advocating love for all

"Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life, even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings." (Buddha)

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

Creative Writing

I create here - short stories, verse and other things. Sometimes, I also add content about my life more generally (in the blog section).

  • Blog

    This is where I blog about things relevant to my writing and life.

  • Writing

    This is where I share what I have written. It might be prose, poetry, Flash Fiction, or something else.

  • Categories

    The categories page allows you to see the content I have created as I have categorised it into broad topics.

  • Tags

    The tags pag allows you to see the content I have created as I have tagged it for easier reference.

  • Timeline

    The timeline page allows you to see the content I have created in the order in which it was uploaded to this site.

  • Donate

    The donate page gives information about how to make Web3 donations, if you want to suppport my writing.

Nocturnal Works

exploring the royal road to the unconscious mind